Tuesday, July 5, 2011

20 Things you may not know about Amanda Hale

1. I have lived in 8 states and travelled to 11 countries (favorite so far..Turkey).

2. I have a sweet collection of heart shaped stones from many places I have travelled or visited.

3. My first car was a 68 Mustang convertible, yellow with a white top..yes, I definitely thought I was a badass.

4. My dad played football at Auburn University and was a former high school football coach...I learned to throw a perfect spiral at a very young age.

5. My birth announcements were pink footballs (see #4).

6. I was a serious tomboy through middle school, and was proud to rock my favorite shirt..a #10 Minnesota Vikings football jersey autographed by QB Fran Tarkenton.(see 4 &5)

7. I have an undergraduate degree from Auburn University in nursing (remember #4?) and a Masters in Nursing as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner from UNC.

8. I met my husband my senior year in college while rock climbing.

9. My most epic climb... Half Dome in Yosemite.

10. My husband and I were married in the botanical gardens inside the Opryland Hotel, possibly the worlds cheesiest hotel. 

11. I gave birth to 5 beautiful children by natural childbirth, 4 who are still with me, and they are without a doubt my greatest teachers. 

12. My husband is in a band and I am lead groupie...a job I take very seriously.

13. I might actually be able to survive on a diet of avocados and dark chocolate. OK, maybe a little red wine too. 

14. I rarely watch TV, and have to ask my 7 year old to help me work the remote. 

15. My parents rock...my mom ran her first marathon at 59, jumped out of a plane at 65, and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro at 67; My dad was in the Olympic trials for the 440 sprint, and if you ask him how he's doing, the only answer he has ever given is, "Outstanding, every day's a great day!"

16. My dad often quoted Winston Churchill when I was growing up, saying in a very deep voice..."Never, never, never give up." 

17. When I was 3, I was the angel in the church Christmas play, and recited the entire Christmas story from the book of Luke.

18. At the beginning of my first yoga class, the teacher said..."do what you can do, take care of your body, and keep breathing." It really is as simple as that, and I still say those words to myself at the beginning of every practice. 

19. My favorite yoga pose is a toss up between chaturanga dandasana and handstand.

20. I really do believe that gratitude is the most powerful practice, not in a don't worry be happy sort of way, but that we can choose to focus on the good, the joy, the abundance, and keep our faces towards the light which is always present. 

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