Thursday, June 2, 2011

20 Things you may not know about Leslie Roach

20 Things You May Not Know About Leslie Roach

1.   I have an outie belly button

2.   I was an all-state basketball and track athlete

3.   I went to College of Charleston to play basketball and run, then ended up transferring to UNC

4. I double majored in Psychology and Exercise Physiology with a minor in Biology, Yes I am a nerd

5. I have only tried coffee once in my life

6. My favorite flower is Hydrangea

7.    Friends is my all time favorite show, I own all 9 Seasons

8.   I might be the most stubborn person I know, actually I am the most stubborn person I know, NO REALLY I AM ;-)

9.   Music makes everything better, especially when I turn it up so loud I cannot hear anything else and dance to it (in my car)

10. My dad is one of my favorite people ever!

11. I have two brothers, Bill 28 and Wes 22.

12. My family has created a word for me, “Leslisms” because I can be slow to understand things... ex. In fourth grade I asked the safety (police) group why they called their dogs K-9 if they only had 8 of them; it made since to me.

13.    I had two cats growing up, Champ and Wiggles

14.    When I was in second grade I wore shorts everyday, because my mom told me I couldn’t wear shorts everyday, so, literally I kept a calendar and checked off the days (all 365) of wearing shorts (refer back to #8)

15. I used to Strongly Dislike reading because it made me feel stupid. I stuttered when I read out loud and it took me FOREVER to do. Finally, we figured out that I am dyslexic and have a tracking problem (meaning I saw things backwards and would just flat out skip lines or words) Now I LOVE reading and am fine to go at my own pace.

16.    I love playing Words with Friends on my Phone

17.    (a)My first concert was Amy Grant, House of Love... I didn’t make it till the end fell asleep, not because it wasn’t good, I loved it, but I was too tired. (17b. I have never pulled an all nighter)

18.    My first CD was either Boyz II Men or Ace of Base

19.  My Grandmother is one of my biggest inspirations and I hope one day to be as graceful, joyful, generous and loving as she is

20. I love Yoga, and not just the asana. I love that it asks us to be open, to live and let live. To be dedicated to the process, not attached to the results, and continue to search for compassion, love and kindness in ourselves so that we may share that with those around us... Just be Kind and Love

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