In thinking about what I wanted to share I use the same criteria here as I do preparing for a own life. Yes, now you know. The truth is out. As I wake and sleep and drift and dream, teach, share, practice and navigate, I am constantly reminding myself to practice what I teach. As the incredibly flawed, clueless, confused individual I am, all of what I aim to share in class is from my own experience. Whether it happens to be good or bad, some lessons I have actually managed to learn and wrap my head and heart around, and others, well...not so much. I have to continually be reminded of what my head knows is true, but often have a hard time allowing my heart to line up to that truth.
Perhaps you can relate.
One of the ideas that I am most passionate about sharing is that we, as human beings, are perfectly whole. We are pure positive energy, source energy, amazing spiritual beings, experiencing being physical. That said, my very physical brain has a hard time staying connected (aligned, if you will) to my spirit. For any of you who have been in my classes, you have probably heard me say many times "you have everything you need. you need not seek outside yourself for anything." That is of course, if you can fully remember that truth. If you have a hard time, like me, and you constantly forget and need to be reminded, that's where friends come in.
We very often (and by often I mean all the time) need the people around us to reflect back to us the love, courage, generosity, joy, and enthusiasm that lies within us all. My fearful mind begins to tell clever stories about how I am a not worthy, that I am alone, that I am not good enough, etc. The stories are less horrific than they used to be, but the well-worn path my thoughts have taken for sooooo long have a tendency to revert back to their old ways. And then, low and behold, a phone call from my best friend helps steer me back to myself. Just when you think you're having a casual lunch with someone dear to you, it becomes a moment of such love and laughter and generosity that you could never have seen coming! My friends, my people, my amazing posse are the face of love, support, good vibes, fun and spirit that I trust is in us all. We need each other as reminders, as reflections, as inspiration and as that loving reminder that you are loved. you are never alone. you have people in your corner to lift you up and to extend a life jacket when you feel like you're drowning.
That is the truth and our only job, and of course the hardest part of all, is to receive the love that is being offered. To allow yourself to be lifted up, to trust in the love of others when your are having a hard time believing in yourself.
Celebrate your friends. Appreciate the love and support around you. Receive the phone call, the lunch, the conversation, the compliment, reach out when you know you need help and welcome it in when it arrives.
Keep being that person for others, for you never know who's moment, day, life you could be changing.
"A friend represents a world inside each of us that may never been born with out them"
~~Anias Nin
Much love to you all my dear friends,
I feel the love!!