Friday, January 7, 2011

You Have More Impact Than You Realize

This morning on my way to the office, I had WUNC on the radio. I listened to a 55-year old man's recollection of how his classmates treated him when he was outed at the age of 13.

Even 40 years later, the pain was raw. The memories were vivid. And the feelings about the situation were intense. He wondered out loud if those classmates had grandsons or daughters that might be gay. And if so, what did they think about them?

It got me we understand the impact we have on one another? Each day we have the opportunity to affect people's lives, positively or negatively. Don't underestimate the power of what you say or do. Move through this life with the intent to positively affect the people you come into contact with. Your words and actions may end up staying with those people for the rest of their lives. Namaste. ~paige

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