In yoga, we often talk about rooting and grounding. When we fasten our palms to the mat in down dog or fix our foreheads to the earth in child's pose, we are connecting with the stability beneath us and in turn the strength and balance within us. Sometimes strength and growth happen in big scary strides forward, but such a fundamental part of that process is the reflection and stillness afterward. Allowing ourselves to pause, with gratitude, with compassion, and anchor deep within while the change and evolution filter through our beings helps it stick to our bones. Sometimes we have to carve out space and time to stop and listen to those subtle internal shifts and allow life's whirlwind flow to seep in.
While you flow on your mats, consider those moments of pause as an opportunity to let the delicious strength and energy you're cultivating soak in and simmer - let it lap at the shores of your heart - let yourself luxuriate in the beauty of your powerful body and nurture that power to pull deeper into the fabric of your spirit.
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