Those of you who were in class yesterday may have noticed we did a ton of hero pose or in it's proper name virasana. Virasana is a pose where you sit your booty between your heels resting there with your hands on your thighs. We started in virasana to settle in and came back to it several times in the practice in various forms. For some of you I understand it is not a fun pose. It can be hard on your knees in which case you can open them up or just move into a pose where you sit on your heels. Virasana is important and useful to give you a stretch from your feet all the way to the crown of your head. This pose elongates your spine and helps you open up your torso. It allows you to access your courage and to reset from your habitual curling and rounding in that you do with your spine, emotions, and thoughts. It is a place where you can reset and fully live into your courage and learn to lead from your heart. We live in a culture that causes us to move from our thoughts, ego, and "monkey mind." Even if we have the desire to open our hearts and connect more fully to ourselves we are conditioned to retreat from our emotional self and connect to our more cerebral self which causes us to disconnect from our true essence. Virasana can help us settle in, feel our hearts, quiet our mind, and become grounded. My class was hard yesterday and you all showed up with courage and heart. You are my heroes and sheroes remember that each time you arrive on your mat. You are amazing and inspiring.
Lots of peace, light, and love to you fabulous FSYogis.
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