Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Yoga Debate

What yoga is, what yoga isn't, who owns the 'soul' of yoga, what are the true roots of yoga, who is qualified to teach much divisiveness about a word that means to yoke, or unite; so much debate and ugliness about a practice that offers the possibility for healing, wholeness, contentment, and even bliss. If you haven't read the article about Tara Stiles, 'Rebel Yoga' in the NYT, it is worth a read. I appreciate Tara's husband, Michael Taylor's response in his article "What Makes Yoga, 'Yoga'" via MindBodyGreen. He says if the yoga you practice is making you agitated, argumentative, and aggressive, probably you should go for a run; give yoga a try another time when you are ready to be with yourself. Right on Michael.

I would say a great way to gauge whether our yoga practice is working, besides a firmer butt, is to notice the quality of energy we carry, and ask ourselves, is it sweeter, kinder, more patient, more compassionate, more understanding? How do we treat others? Do we show up in a way that is meaningful to the people in our life we care about? I believe yoga is how we live to our highest potential, being our best selves in each precious moment we are gifted. It is being present for as many breaths as possible, knowing, as my teacher often reminds us, that we don't get any of this back. Every day I screw it up; and I pick myself up, and try to do better the next time. And in the end, being a better person, contributing in a positive way to the flow of life on earth, isn't that really what it's all about?

Lovingly from my soapbox,


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